Friday 7 November 2008

Q Magazine & The Contents Page

Q magazine is catered for a variety of genres as suggested by the Q channel on television. The magazine is also called Q because it's simple and easily recognise as the mast head is covered bt the image and by text. The target audience for this magazine are the late teens and younger adults as the layout of the magazine is very sophisticated and fresh. The Q contents page follows the conventions of the Q magazine front cover. The Q logo is similar on both pages and is positioned on the top left-hand corner. The colours used are also the same; red, white and black which denotates passion, innocence and darkness which links to music and the pose which Madonna is doing; trying to hide away suggests mystery. The typography and font is the same on both pages and the text is all in capitals which is masculine and eyecatching. In addition some of the text on the contents page are in boxes like the box for the logo on the front cover which gives th magazine a more profession and neat look. Also the contents page is in 3 columns like all magazine. The image of the cover is of Madonna who is known world wide which suggets that the magazine is trying to reach out to a variety of people. The image is a close-up and Madonna is giving eye contact to the camera because she is trying to catch the readers eyes to interact with them. The image of the contents page is of a band standing on a hill which is natural which is quite calm and different to the conventional plain background.

1 comment:

i-am-anna said...

Hey, i just wondered if you could link me to the website where you got your basic information about Q from such as the name etc. as im currently doing a buisness profile on it and got linked to your blog via google but i have to reference the original source in my writing?